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Article: The 5 worst mistakes when renovating a bathroom

Die 5 schlimmsten Fehler beim Badezimmer renovieren

The 5 worst mistakes when renovating a bathroom

In this article we have collected the 5 worst mistakes you can make when renovating your bathroom.

Bathroom renovation mistakes

The 5 most fatal mistakes when renovating a bathroom

The bathroom is more than just a room for daily hygiene. It is an integral part of our daily life and also a very private place. But because we use the bathroom so often, it can quickly become worn out. Dirty tiles, cracks in the sanitary ceramics and worn surfaces form the sad - but real - picture of our bathrooms at home. No wonder that many Austrians are planning to renovate their bathrooms in 2022. A great idea, but be careful - these 5 mistakes are often made when installing a new bathroom.

Mistake No. 1: Dark tiles in a small bathroom:

A small bathroom already presents many challenges. The limited space requires certain “optimization processes”. The inventory is arranged in the individual cupboards and shelves almost like Tetris.

For this reason, the bathroom should appear as spacious as possible despite its small size. However, dark tiles have a very negative effect on the spatial impression of small bathrooms. A feeling of oppression quickly arises. For this reason, you should always use light tiles in small bathrooms. Preferably in white or light pastel shades.

Mistake No. 2: Old-fashioned and worn-out designs in the sanitary facilities

Shower, sink and toilets are the three most important parts of the bathroom. It is clear that these sanitary facilities are not immune to signs of wear and tear due to the frequent use. Small cracks, stains and breaks adorn most surfaces. A rule of thumb is that you should think about modernising them every four to five years. The old-fashioned shower wall and the high shower tray have had their day; floor-level showers are now very trendy. The toilet that is firmly anchored in the floor is also often replaced with a wall-mounted toilet. In addition, all sanitary facilities should have the same style. This makes the room appear calmer and larger. But that is part of...

Mistake #3: Poorly coordinated designs

Good design consists of two cornerstones.

  • 1.) Functionality
  • 2.) Appearance

Translated, this means: Good design must be practical and look great. It is important that you incorporate your own personality into your design selection so that you can feel comfortable.

But be careful: Even if you have a chaotic spirit, your bathroom should at least radiate a certain amount of calm.

The motto is: less is more. Think about what you really need in the bathroom and decide on a consistent style. Many suppliers have already specialized in the design of certain complete solutions.

Mistake No. 4: Too much junk

A problem that families are particularly familiar with. The more members the family has, the more space is needed. This problem also continues in the bathroom. A lot of junk piles up in the bathroom in particular. To stop the chaos, you need enough storage space. The most important thing is a good layout. Regardless of whether you live in a family or a shared flat - a certain amount of organisation and order is essential. This is how you prevent arguments and messes.

Mistake No. 5: Poor care

The new bathroom is a dream. Now it's all about being able to dream of it for as long as possible. Make sure you use the right cleaning products for the respective surfaces and try to repair or fix small defects immediately. This way you will be able to enjoy your new bathroom for a long time to come.

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